Thursday, June 21, 2012

Today's the day... life begins.

Okay, so it was yesterday.  But I'm a huge Grey's Anatomy fan and I was watching a super super sad really good episode the other day in which a car full of soon-to-be college graduates crashes and *spoiler alert* the only one who ends up surviving is the valedictorian and that's how she starts her speech (which she gives to the doctors because she's stuck in the hospital and all her friends are dead).

Today's the day my life begins.

I joined my YMCA earlier this week, which considering it's all of 1 minute's drive from my apartment and is brand new and super nice looking, probably should have happened a long time ago.  But regardless, I am officially a member of the YMCA.  I have a card with my picture on it and everything.

Yesterday I actually went into the gym for the first time, as opposed to just staying in the entrance by the customer service desk.  And I may have gone a little overboard, but I'm still able to walk today so I guess it could have been worse.  I did a step class, a zumba class and a cycle class.  Three hours of back-to-back exercise when the most I've done in a year has been going up the stairs to my apartment and walking around campus.  It was brutal.

I made a calculated error in the step class, which was totally my fault.  If you've never done a step class, they're mildly torturous highly engaging and a good work out.  The last time I did a step class I was a freshman or sophomore and in considerably better shape.  But, nevertheless because it was the first class of the night and I wasn't in mortal agony tired yet, I thought it was a good idea to put one riser under my step.  Really good people do two or (yikes!) more, but I thought one was playing it safe.  Was I ever wrong!  I'm going back to the class because it is an insanely good work out, but I'm dropping down to just the step on the floor.  Because, not only are you up and down the step a gazillion times in an hour, but they have you crossing your feet over it, doing flying leaps over it and acrobatics.  At least that's how it looked to me, who could barely get the basic step and the turning down.  Forget "horse shoeing" and "L-stomps".

And I'd like to say I think I'll get better at the steps used in the class, but I really doubt I will.  All I'm going to hope for is to not look like a complete and utter fool.  Which, coming from the girl who is literally left and right dyslexic - I know which hand is which but the second I'm doing a task, forget it - that's about as good as it's going to get.

Knowing that about my coordination, or more appropriately lack-thereof, I'm sure you can draw your own conclusions as to how zumba went.

I haven't weighed in this week, and I'm going to give working out a week or so to sink in before I do.  I think I'm going to post photographs of my progress starting next month and then post a photo on the first of every month thereafter.  I was reading (on pinterest) the other night something one of my friends had pinned that said...

It takes 4 weeks for you to see your body changing.  It takes 8 weeks for friends and family.  And it takes 12 weeks for the rest of the world.

I figure that by putting up photographs it will help me to see a visual of how my body is changing (hopefully) if I struggle seeing it day-to-day.  Since this is a brand new idea I don't have a photo for this month (seeing as it's almost July and how much change are you going to notice in one week), so here's a photo from my graduation weekend of me with my dad.  This was... the middle of May, but close enough.

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