Wednesday, January 16, 2013


I am still waiting to hear back from the doctor on the results of my lab work.  They are suspicious of two things:

1) Insulin resistance - it's basically pre-pre-diabetes.  There wouldn't be anything medically to do in this case; but it would be helpful to know if I am insulin resistant.  This would mean it would be 5x harder for me to lose weight than an "average" person; so for every 2 pounds I lose, someone putting in just as much work would lose 10.  Another way of looking at it would be that for every one month somebody puts into losing weight, it would take me 5 months to lose the same amount of weight.  Sucks, right?  But at least I would know that the fight I am in for would be that much harder.  I would know that to see big numbers I would have to wait 5 or 10 months instead of 1 or 2.  It would suck, but knowing that this is what I am up against would help.

2) Some kind of thyroid problem.  I'm predisposed to thyroid problems as they run in my family (and while they aren't genetic in the way that they are passed down, if somebody in your family has a thyroid disorder it means that your genetics are such that you are more likely to have a similar disorder).  This would be good news in the way that it could help with my weight loss, but it would likely mean a lifetime of medications.

or 3) A combination of both things.

I should have heard back from the doctor last week, but still no answers.  I am calling (again) tomorrow morning, hoping that somebody somewhere has answers.

My weight has been fluctuating between 267 and 269 for the past few weeks.  Back to the gym tomorrow now that my schedule is figured out and my health is under control.  I figure it is better to start working on good habits now, even if I don't know what the doctors know yet.

Waiting, waiting, waiting...

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